Tuesday, September 02, 2008


How many years… How many souls have I lost?

How many I tried to save should be the question…
And how many have I tried to save should be the answer to that question…

None… I have taken many… but I have never tried to save any… and why should I?

Am I not a harbinger of sorrow, pain, remorse and eventually death?

You are young… you think of death as the absence of life… but it is much more than that… much much more…

It is the absence of joy, the absence of love, the absence of emotion…

The eternal life with no feelings – albeit feelings of joy or sorrow, pain or pleasure…

The eternal life of loneliness… of solitude…

I was only 14 when those words were whispered to me… I knew nothing then…

In an instant I learned… more than any man should know… More than I could handle…

And ever since I devoted my life in two goals that I knew where lost cause and unattainable from me…

Salvation… there is no such redemption for me…

Knowledge is power… true… But ignorance is bliss…

I would trade my soul for the latter, but unfortunately I am out of soul to trade…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eden and Hell is here. You can choose what path you take. It is your decision and your choice. Life is a nice journey but we get lost, all of us. You can drive however you like and you can choose to eliminate all bad and negative thoughts and keep joy and happiness and live in Eden..here and now.
Think and Decide..