Saturday, January 08, 2011

Are writing and typing the same?

Type: write (something) on a typewriter or computer by pressing the keys
Write: mark (letters, words, or other symbols) on a surface, typically paper, with a pen, pencil, or similar implement

I proclaim they are not… Typing is a means, a medium to express ones view…

Writing, though, is a completely different story. Although it can serve the same purpose – and more often than not, it does – it is also a method of depositing one’s soul. Any if it is even further defined as being the writing on paper or other means based on natural origin resources, then it is a way to apportion all the sins and abuse we have inflicted.

True, you may be experiencing the same range of emotions whilst typing as you would be doing whilst writing, but when all is said and done, there is nothing but soulless characters arranged in a set way… No traces of those emotions…

Write and cry, I will see the teardrop, the spot it fell a testament of the importance and the overwhelm…
Write and smoke, I will see the residue of ashes and the impact of the smoke on the letters, the stopping of the tremor and the flow in your handwriting, the relaxation effect of the nicotine in your body and your soul…
Write and eat, I will see the testaments of your appetite, the crumbles and the spots of your gluttony…
Write and experience an orgasm, I will see the lines and the peaks, the hedonistic climax and the gradual loss of control…
Write in anger, I will see your hate in the depth of your lines, as you punish the paper instead…
Write in pain, and I will know who caused it though your pressure points and via your fainting courage whilst you transfer it on paper…

Write and I will know you, type and I will know words. Your choice!


noname said...


videLcute said...
