Thursday, September 17, 2009


After the slow ascend comes the fast, thrilling decent...

After the hard, painful breakthrough comes the exhilaration and anticipation of the upcoming thrill; the upcoming excitement; the forthcoming challenge.

Change is in the air. Instincts heighten, senses sharpen, energy reserves are rallied, all for one single reason... because a synapse activated the chemical that excites and triggeres the "dare to do it..." mode.

I haven't been challenged for a while...

It's time... count down will start in T-20d...

1 comment:

Egw said...

(to bala prin se lathos post... kai to metefera..)

So what's happening in T-20?? you sound weirdly up.. and "motivated"for something.. something triggered your interest... you sound more alive..
Kala eisai?