Wednesday, June 24, 2009


What is it? Who can define it? Who could ever measure it? I dare not even go there…

I strongly believe that it is something that comes from within…
Something that no matter how much effort anyone puts in it, the outcome is always the same… who and what you are cannot be hidden under layers of layers of expensive base and mascara, colours and shades of a man-made product.

Beauty is abstract to dare measure it with petty and limiting tangibles like money, like objects… I will not fall into that pitfall, there are a great many things that are stunningly beautiful and are material; but the knowledge that they were made to measure up to a tangible measurement – usually monetary value – makes them marginally interesting for me…

As beauty is abstract, as trying to frame it and justify it, explain it, is effort wasted; a vain attempt to rationalise something that is and should be taken at a personal level only with no concern as to what others make of it, so do I now try to become a part of that equation…

Because I strongly believe that to understand beauty one must venture away from it; one must stop trying to define it, seek it, capture it, represent it and one must just be.

1 comment:

Egw said...
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